Sunday, June 3, 2007

The Broken Glass

Might be funnier then the Peking duck story. We went to the local restaurant in the hotel yesterday for lunch. It was a more western style Chinese food. Still very different then we are used to. The 2nd story restaurant is more authentic, so that will be out next stop. I will have a blog update regarding the food. Everyone knows that the McCall's are about the food. Well onto the Broken Glass story.

We were sitting at the table eating lunch and Rebecca was trying to give her brother her Hamburger (more about that later). When knocked over a glass of sprite, wetting Keith. The funny part is that the glass rolled off of the table and hit the cushion. Keith and Rebecca tried to catch the glass as it rolled off the table and hit the cast iron base, and of course it cracked and broke. Well Rebecca’s face immediately turned red and she started crying. She was begging not to go to Jail. And crying that it was a accident and that she was sorry. We have not seen her that upset for a very long time. She thought she was going to Jail. She was so upset she came over to me and would not leave my side. When the waitress came she clutched my arm very hard. Of course her mother is on the other side of the table in laughing hysterically. I have not seen Dianna laugh that hard in a long time, the pee in your pants kind of laugh.

We all tried to ease Rebecca’s fear, but it was hard. It was the funniest thing for all of us except for Rebecca. The story gets better. We picked up the glass and handed it to the waitress. She took it but Rebecca was still scared. When we got our bill there was a charge for the glass. Rebecca started to cry again.

Next Day…,

Well we just went down to lunch and we were seated at the same table. Rebecca almost would not sit at the table. There was still sprite in the base of the table. We all stared laughing again.

2 hours to baby pickup time.



Unknown said...

why did Rebecca think she was going to jail for breaking the glass at the restauraunt?
