Monday, November 26, 2007

Sammy's broken arm

when we came back to the room she would not get back in the bed and she wouldnt leave the wagon.

after she woke up she drank two cups of juice

getting ready to go under they let her
take her baby with her

waiting in the ER

The day after her birthday Sammy fell out of the car and and broke her arm. I know everyone wants to know how in the world did she fall out of the car. Here is the story:

We had to go to a friends house to pick up feed for the goats. We got there a few minutes early and were waiting in there yard, Rebecca got out of the car to play with the dogs. After 15 minutes of waiting Sammy started getting a little restless in her car seat so I thought she could play in the back seat with her toys. I let her out of the seat and not even a mintue later she ran over to the other side of the car and started yelling for Rebecca. Rebecca not knowing she was out of her seat opened the door to see what she needed. As the door opened Sammy tumbled to the ground. I drive a SUV so it was a little bit of a fall. I jumped out of the car and ran around to get her, she was screaming as I picked her up I could see her arm was broken. I have never seen anything like that! Sammy and Rebecca were both crying, it took everything in me not to cry with them. We rushed her to the hospital that is 35 minutes away. She only cried for a few minutes which made me feel even worse for her.
When we got to the hospital Chris dropped Sammy and I off at the door and I ran in with her. I ran up to the desk and told them that my baby broke her arm and the wonderful woman took Sammy right back and started working on her. They gave her some morphin to help with the pain while we waited. After they did the x-ray and verified the break they informed us that it would be several hours before the pediatric orthopedic could see her because her was in the middle of surgry. Sammy waited not so patiently because she could not eat or drink anything and we didnt have dinner. Every one who heard there was a two year old with a broken bone that was not screaming had to come see her, her cuteness really got her some special treatment.
We ended up haveing to stay the night so the could take her to the operating room in the morning and put her to sleep to set and cast her arm. SHE WAS SO BRAVE AND WE ARE SO VERY PROUD OF HER. I HOPE SHE KNOWS HOW MUCH WE LOVE HER.


Erin said...

Oh my goodness. I hope she's feeling better. That must have been so scary for everyone. What a brave little girl.

Pipers said...

Poor bean. Hope she feels better soon.